IMPORTANT: This article has moved to my new site
Retired By 40!
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Happy Monday!

Who else had a crazy week last week?  I did, that's for sure!  Check out the posts that helped me make it through :-)

Cat, at Budget Blonde wrote Five Things I Learned From Getting My First Car.  My favorite: Don't Trade it in it if was free!

Making Sense of Cents posted an Ask the Reader post - What percentage is housing in your budget?  Go an check out what everyone spends on housing - you know you want to :-)

Jacob over at Cash Cow Couple posted Why Do People Invest in Stocks or Anything Else?  As usual, he boils it down!

The Simple Dollar always has about a billion posts I could include in my favorites, but I narrowed it down to one this week: Crazy.  Best takeaway - When life gets crazy, accept imperfection!

Mr. 1500 is fantastic as usual in SpongeSister SpendyPants - Anyone have a sibling like this?

Check 'em out!  You won't regret it!

IMPORTANT:  This post has moved to my new site!
Check it out here: Retired By 40!
Sometimes it seems like other bloggers are on the same page as I am!  Love this!

I don't know if you noticed, but on our balance sheet, we have a personal loan that is a loan from a family member.  This post seemed especially relevant right now:
Ask the Readers: Do you every lend money to friends/family?

I love Johnny Moneyseed's take on paying of the mortgage early: Paying off your mortgage early is still silly!

Congratulations to Girl Meets Debt on her ENGAGEMENT! Mrs. Modest Money

Renting Isn't a Throwaway at The Simple Dollar

Did My Lender Pull a Bait and Switch? Over at Budget Blonde, Cat explains why your quoted mortgage rate may not be the same as the rate you actually get.

The downside of being a landlord at Club Thrifty: Being a Landlord: It's Not All Puppies and Cupcakes!

Aaaannnnnnd, This Week's Wins & Losses over at Budgets are Sexy!

Ok, so there is a definite theme to what I found interesting this week...